Purpose and Overview

This document outlines the workflow for when KLG works with a contract attorney on an appellate briefing project. This workflow assumes the project is an Appellant’s Opening Brief and Appellant’s Appendix, but the workflow can be adapted for respondent’s briefs or other projects.

Project Initiation

  1. KLG contacts asks if the Attorney has bandwidth to handle the project, and provides a rough description of the size of the case and due date.
  2. Attorney accepts the project or asks for more information.
  3. KLG sends Attorney the CCIS and Designation of Record to assess the appeal and run conflicts.
    1. Or if we don't have a CCIS and DOR, then the equivalent info:
      1. Appeal from what type of order?
      2. Bench or jury or law-and-motion?
      3. Approx. size of record?
  4. Attorney confirms no conflicts and accepts the project.

Record Assembly

  1. KLG sends Attorney the following:
    1. case memo (in a Clearbrief PDF)
    2. Sharepoint link
    3. PDF of the Docket
  2. Attorney highlights entries on the docket and emails KLG (Brittney), who will download for the initial record.
  3. KLG (Brittney) processes the docket using these steps:
    1. Save the marked up docket to a folder named “AA Tranche 1”.
    2. Review the docket and count the number of documents that need to be downloaded. Rename the docket filename to include the number of documents at the end of the name. Ex.: Docket (87).pdf.
    3. Download the documents and add them to “AA Tranche 1”.
    4. Documents saved individually in the following format are easiest to review: “2024-12-20 Jury Instructions.pdf.” (Refer to our File Naming Convention.) It is much more time consuming to flip through compiled appendices.
    5. Confirm the number of files in “AA Tranche 1” (excluding the docket.pdf file) equals the number of files referenced in the name of the docket.pdf. (This step will ensure that we did not miss any necessary files.)
    6. Notify Attorney that the requested documents are located in AA Tranche 1.
  4. Attorney will review and use KLG’s Lexis credentials to download any additional documents. If additional documents needed are voluminous, repeat steps 6-7.
  5. Attorney will download the individually saved documents to his server, which is also on Sharepoint. (This should be straightforward in most cases, barring a very large appeal.) Attorney will compile the most relevant documents in a single folder for likely use in the brief.
    1. (Note: In the future, we can consider whether to create a separate Sharepoint library so that KLG and Attorney personnel can share access.)

Brief Drafting

  1. Attorney will draft the brief.

    <aside> <img src="/icons/rename_green.svg" alt="/icons/rename_green.svg" width="40px" />

    ([Complete file name without “.pdf”] at [page number].)


    (2024-10-03 Judgment at 2.)


  2. KLG (Tim) will revise the brief and sign off on its contents.

Preparing the AA and Adding AA Cites

  1. As Attorney is reviewing documents in the record, Attorney will move unused documents to an unused folder. After the brief is complete, Attorney will send the final list of documents that remain in Attorney’s record folder. KLG will use this “pruned” document folder to compile the AA.
  2. KLG (Brittney) can compile the appendix from the documents in Attorney’s record folder.
    1. KLG process is:
      1. Compile AA (using Typelaw.com).
      2. Add the AA volumes to Clearbrief.
      3. Covert all cites to AA cites, linked via Clearbrief.

Finalization and Filing